Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Noodle House

The Noodle House is a franchise business just like siomai house and fruitas, wherein it is marketed usually in a cart. To us Bedans we are very familiar with it because we have our own noodle house located at the snack bar. it is pretty obvious that it is a hit for us because the Noodle House is one of the most visited stalls in the snack bar, may be because of its uniqueness with other stalls in the place.
So basically, Noodle House is a store that sells noodles but these are not just ordinary some chinese noodles because it has a twist. These are stir-fry noodles and there are many sauces or flavors to choose from. Personally I really like it because you have the chance to choose how you want your noodles to taste. I think that is something that can attract customers because nowadays we really prefer sort of like "personal touch". The thing is yeah it maybe have a cheap price, but how little the servings are. I think it is one of the disadvantages of the product. Most especially some students are looking for a meal that can make theri stomchs full. Of course students have long classes and they have short breaks so they will look for a meal that can last for a couple of hours, and if that is the case Noodle House is not the one that they would prefer.
The Noodle House should be sensitive to what their customers need. Especially if you will put up your franchise in a school it is better if they will think whta will be best for the customers, so that theri customers will response to the efforts that they are giving.

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