Thursday, June 24, 2010

nokia 5110

Nokia is a Finnish multinational communications corporation that is headquartered in Finland. Nokia is one of the world's leading companies that manufactures mobile phones. Well in fact it is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile devices. And one good example here is the Nokia 5110, it was released to the market during the year 1998. At one point it is considered as the most popular phone in the world.

Honestly I had one back then, and having experiencing it I can really say that during those time it is one hell of a mobile phone. Because its had excellent battery life and was one of the first phones to feature the game snake. It performed all the basic mobile phone functions well. It was also one of the first phones with a replaceable faceplate, allowing users to customize their mobile. It is also durable because even though I dropped it hard many times it can still function very well. But due to the fast phase innovation that our generation have right now, Nokia 5110 was left behind and I can say that has been replaced by those mobile phones who was introduced in having better features than what Nokia 5110 has. Because customers are also affected with that fast phase innovation so they are looking for the slimmer and more handy one. Because of this mobile phone technology is easier to use and more accessible to the general public.

I must say that Nokia 5110 is a great product and has established a great image to the mobile phone industry, but but due to the technology that we have now, many other mobile phones are being introduced that have better communicating functions, features and more appealing to the users. So at this time Nokia 5110 is already face-out in the market.

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