Friday, July 9, 2010

clear men shampoo and its 4Ps

The clear men shampoo is one of the country's best selling anti-dandruff shampoo. This blog is all about the 4Ps that the clear men shampoo is using.
So starting with the first P the product. The clear men shampoo is a brand extension, the original product is that it is an anti-dandruff shampoo for girls, and when the product caught a lot of consumer's attention then they introduced a product extension that is clear men shampoo so that it is not only for the girls anymore but as well as with the guys. I can say that this product is now in its growth stage because for sure it already reached its peek.
When it comes to pricing i can say that it is more of a competition based, because most of the anti-dandruff shampoos that i can see in the market costs almost the same. So they are using high value strategy because they have a high quality product but the price is somehow in the middle.
Place it goes in a manufacturer and then with a distributor that will go either to agents or different retailers around the country and then will finally go to the consumers. Usually these major retailer types are sari-sari store,department store, and we can also see them in the convenience store.
To its promotion of course there will be the use of all the mass media. I mean we can see it everywhere, anywhere it can be marketed. the most common is in the t.v advertisements, they also have some radio ads, and bill boards of course. Clear men shampoo also have some sales promotions such as contest and also demo. With their P.R it is obvious that they sponsor different events.

With the 4Ps that this product have, it is obviuos that it will be one of the best selling shampoos in the country and with the other developments to come for sure they will maintain the standard that they have established.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

nokia 5110

Nokia is a Finnish multinational communications corporation that is headquartered in Finland. Nokia is one of the world's leading companies that manufactures mobile phones. Well in fact it is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile devices. And one good example here is the Nokia 5110, it was released to the market during the year 1998. At one point it is considered as the most popular phone in the world.

Honestly I had one back then, and having experiencing it I can really say that during those time it is one hell of a mobile phone. Because its had excellent battery life and was one of the first phones to feature the game snake. It performed all the basic mobile phone functions well. It was also one of the first phones with a replaceable faceplate, allowing users to customize their mobile. It is also durable because even though I dropped it hard many times it can still function very well. But due to the fast phase innovation that our generation have right now, Nokia 5110 was left behind and I can say that has been replaced by those mobile phones who was introduced in having better features than what Nokia 5110 has. Because customers are also affected with that fast phase innovation so they are looking for the slimmer and more handy one. Because of this mobile phone technology is easier to use and more accessible to the general public.

I must say that Nokia 5110 is a great product and has established a great image to the mobile phone industry, but but due to the technology that we have now, many other mobile phones are being introduced that have better communicating functions, features and more appealing to the users. So at this time Nokia 5110 is already face-out in the market.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Noodle House

The Noodle House is a franchise business just like siomai house and fruitas, wherein it is marketed usually in a cart. To us Bedans we are very familiar with it because we have our own noodle house located at the snack bar. it is pretty obvious that it is a hit for us because the Noodle House is one of the most visited stalls in the snack bar, may be because of its uniqueness with other stalls in the place.
So basically, Noodle House is a store that sells noodles but these are not just ordinary some chinese noodles because it has a twist. These are stir-fry noodles and there are many sauces or flavors to choose from. Personally I really like it because you have the chance to choose how you want your noodles to taste. I think that is something that can attract customers because nowadays we really prefer sort of like "personal touch". The thing is yeah it maybe have a cheap price, but how little the servings are. I think it is one of the disadvantages of the product. Most especially some students are looking for a meal that can make theri stomchs full. Of course students have long classes and they have short breaks so they will look for a meal that can last for a couple of hours, and if that is the case Noodle House is not the one that they would prefer.
The Noodle House should be sensitive to what their customers need. Especially if you will put up your franchise in a school it is better if they will think whta will be best for the customers, so that theri customers will response to the efforts that they are giving.